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⇒ Download Free Five Weeks Seven Series Book 3 edition by Dannika Dark Paranormal Romance eBooks

Five Weeks Seven Series Book 3 edition by Dannika Dark Paranormal Romance eBooks

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Download PDF Five Weeks Seven Series Book 3  edition by Dannika Dark Paranormal Romance eBooks

Five Weeks Seven Series Book 3 edition by Dannika Dark Paranormal Romance eBooks

Now THIS is what I’m talking about! I went into this installment of the Seven series disliking Jericho and wasn’t sure I even wanted to read about his character. What a surprise! The author did a fantastic job of unraveling his layers and allowing us to follow the journey of discovery until we see the truly kind and deeply loving heart he has.

Izzy is also my very favorite female character so far. She is kind but feisty, loyal but strong. She doesn’t take any crap from Jericho (or anyone for that matter) but isn’t overbearing or obnoxious in anyway. She doesn’t settle for less and stands up for what she believes in. Her past has taught her to leave rather than fight but with Jericho she finally has something she is willing to stay and fight for.

Together they create an absolutely great paranormal romance!!

* Even though this could be stand-alone, I would highly recommend reading this series in order, as previous books give important insight into the characters and personalities.

Read Five Weeks Seven Series Book 3  edition by Dannika Dark Paranormal Romance eBooks

Tags : Five Weeks (Seven Series Book 3) - Kindle edition by Dannika Dark. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Dannika Dark,Five Weeks (Seven Series Book 3),Dannika Dark,Fiction Fantasy Paranormal,Fiction Romance Paranormal

Five Weeks Seven Series Book 3 edition by Dannika Dark Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews

After Austin and Reno, clap for Jericho !

I really have a hard time writing a review for this book. I love this series because Dannika Dark does a great job creating characters, their background stories, their relationship and making us fall in love with them.

I preferred Jericho and especially Izzy Monroe to April and Reno. Probably because I liked Jericho in the previous books and he was still funny - and impulsive - in this book. Still, when I read Jericho's POV, I felt like the Jericho in Five Weeks was not exactly the same than the one I read about in the previous books. He was more serious, while it was always said that Jericho was the heart of the parties before.
And then, we get Izzy.
Kind of badass at times, and kind of vulnerable at others. I felt like Izzy was a mix between Lexi and April. And, like the both of them, she has had a tough life. I wanted a bit more development - for example, a few memories of her brothers and sisters or a real explanation on what she did for the last twenty-five years (because it is very vague in the book).

Still, all in all, it IS a GOOD story. Dannika Dark has a talent. And she hooked me a long time ago, with Sterling.
I recommend it !
What a great story. I have enjoyed this series and Five Weeks was such an awesome addition to it. Jericho and Isabelle have a past. Isabelle needs a job and ends up working in the very place Jericho is performing with his band. Once they see each other the old feelings come back. But Isabelle is dating someone and can't bring herself to give in to Jericho due to his playboy past. But trouble finds its way to Isabelle and Jericho is there to help her out. The story was excited and enjoyable from the beginning. I really enjoyed the cast of characters and how they play an important part of the story. Jericho knows he has to change if he hopes for another chance with Isabelle but can she get through all the trouble she is facing and give her heart to Jericho. The sex is hot and steamy and the love they have is amazing. Great series and this was a fantastic addition. Highly recommend
In this third installment of Dannika Dark’s Seven Years series, we get Jericho’s story. Jericho is a singer in a rock band and is a wolf shifter. I was on the fence about him previous to this book, as he wasn’t my favorite from the pack of brothers. This was unusual for me, because my guilty pleasure is rock star books. After reading this, I have changed my mind in every way about Jericho. Since this is by Dannika Dark, I should have known I would.
Izzy is pretty much alone in the world when she hooks up with another shifter named Hawk and moves in with him. As a wolf that was born as the only wolf to a wolf father, and cat mother, she has been on her own for a long time. No way was she going to be bullied the rest of her life by her cat siblings. She takes a job as a waitress at a shifter bar. She is shocked to discover that Jericho’s band is playing at the same bar. Twenty years before(yes, these shifters live a really long time, and age really slow), Jericho was the man she loved, but was only her best friend. They traveled together while he toured for five years, but all she could do was watch as he had a different woman every night. Jericho is equally shocked, as Izzy was the only woman he ever loved. Of course neither knows how the other one feels.
If I thought the previous books in this series were full of action, this one beats all of them. I don’t want to tell spoilers, so I will just say that this book is full of bad guy shifters and humans, drug dealers, kidnapping, attempted murders, justified killings, and the list goes on. At it’s heart though, is the romance between Izzy and Jericho. It was a really hot, but sweet romance. Since Izzy isn’t single, things are never boring during this book to say the least. It doesn’t help that the pack has problems with Izzy, and that is something that I didn’t like, but was realistic in this instance.
I loved the characters of Izzy and Jericho. Izzy is a beautiful, fun, people person, who actually enjoys her job. Jericho is the epitome of a rocker, a good looking man, one that lives for his music and of course his pack. We also get to see all the characters from the previous books and that is always one of the best parts of a series for me.
I have always enjoyed this authors world building. As with any paranormal series, she has her own view of what is involved in the Breed world, or as in this case, the shifter world. This series and her Mageri Series, take place in the same Breed world, although not in the same part of the country. I will leave the world specifics for the reader to find out, as I don’t want to tell the whole story!
There’s never a cliffhanger with any of this author’s work, and I have learned to really appreciate that in a series. As I have read everything by this author, I can’t stress enough how good a storyteller she is.
So we have lots of action, a great romance, memorable characters, good world building, and I totally loved it, and as with anything by this author, I couldn’t stop reading. I will be really interested to see which brother from the pack will be featured next. Or even if the next one is about another of the characters featured-totally possible as I know lots of readers are interested in other side characters, as I am too.
I honestly can’t recommend this series or the author’s Mageri series enough. Read either one, and I know you will enjoy.(
Now THIS is what I’m talking about! I went into this installment of the Seven series disliking Jericho and wasn’t sure I even wanted to read about his character. What a surprise! The author did a fantastic job of unraveling his layers and allowing us to follow the journey of discovery until we see the truly kind and deeply loving heart he has.

Izzy is also my very favorite female character so far. She is kind but feisty, loyal but strong. She doesn’t take any crap from Jericho (or anyone for that matter) but isn’t overbearing or obnoxious in anyway. She doesn’t settle for less and stands up for what she believes in. Her past has taught her to leave rather than fight but with Jericho she finally has something she is willing to stay and fight for.

Together they create an absolutely great paranormal romance!!

* Even though this could be stand-alone, I would highly recommend reading this series in order, as previous books give important insight into the characters and personalities.
Ebook PDF Five Weeks Seven Series Book 3  edition by Dannika Dark Paranormal Romance eBooks

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